Infinite Banking Concept

Want to be your own banker? Learn about infinite banking and how to take control of your money

Be your own banker with infinite banking

Withdraw or borrow money when you need it

What is infinite banking?

We don’t just do insurance – We love helping people feel financially secure knowing they are prepared for any curveballs life throws at them.

Infinite banking is the practical uses of life insurance policies that provide dividends to the policyholder. When owning such policies, each individual can control their terms and use the cash flow instead of depending on bankers or other lenders for loans. 

Want to know more?

In this video, Kieth Hatchett provides more information and insights into Infinite Banking.

Benefits of infinite banking


  • Qualified support when you need it
  • Access to money you need when you need it without regard to changing bank lending standards
  • Access to your money without having to justify why you need the money
  • Protect your money from taxes
  • Protect your money from a public bank bail-in or confiscation during a financial crisis
  • Protect your money from creditors
  • Be your own banker – not only can you loan yourself money, you can also act like a bank to others, loaning money and charging interest
  • You make the interest on loans, not your bank
  • Be prepared financially for an emergency

How Does infinite banking Work?

Infinite banking is a process that works with a specially designed life insurance policy, it is not the life insurance policy itself. At GoInsurancePAL we teach and guide you about the infinite banking concept so you can benefit from the power of life insurance today and be independent of the banking system. The first step to implementing the infinite banking concept is to acquire a particular type of life insurance policy with a particular type of insurance company. However, having the right type of insurance is not enough. From there, you need training on how to implement the infinite banking process with that policy.

At a high level, with infinite banking you take loans from the insurance carrier’s general account, leaving the contribution you make to the policy untouched and earning interest and potentially dividends as well. Unlike borrowing from a 401(k), you are not borrowing money from your contributions but against the cash value of your insurance policy. This has the twin benefits of giving you immediate access to more money now and allowing your contributions to continue growing and compounding in value.

You can use the money you “borrow” to pay for anything you want from paying off debt, buying real estate, investing, or even buying a car. The benefit of infinite banking is that once your system is set up you are free to access as much money from your limit as you want to spend and how you want to spend it without having to going through a lengthy underwriting process, credit and background checks and more. You are effectively no longer dependent on the banking system to access money.

Infinite Banking Work FAQs

Is Infinite Banking the best way to build wealth?
In our opinion, infinite banking is the best way to build wealth because it provides both an offense and a defense. It is a restructured policy, dividend-paying, guaranteed interest, and mutual company product that allows a person to become their own banker. It is the only program that allows one to save money and spend money from the same account, at the same place, at the same time. Contact GoInsurancePAL , and we will teach you how this program works so that you don’t have to spend your money any longer to pay bills, make investments, and purchase insurance such as car insurance, homeowners, health, dental, etc.
What are the disadvantages of Infinite Banking?

There are not really disadvantages to infinite banking because you’re setting up an account and using the insurance company’s money through the tax-free policy loan process to pay for things. This allows your money to stay in the account and grow tax-deferred at the same time that the insurance company is sending you tax-free checks to live off through the policy loan process. These loans have to be paid back, but if you choose choice 1 to pay it back when you’re alive, you can pay it back if you want, when you want, how much you want, or you can stop making payments, or you can pay the whole thing back plus interest. Choice 2 is you can pay the loans back plus the interest charged out of your death benefit when you pass away. Therefore maintaining your goal of getting financing while you are alive through your own banking system at the insurance company.

What are the benefits of Infinite Banking, and how can I find the best option?

A person’s greatest need is not death benefit; it is financing while you’re alive. Infinite banking was created to provide you with financing while you’re alive. It allows one to take policy loans against their cash value instead of having to withdraw your money and creating a tax-deferred taxable event. Contact GoInsurancePAL for all the details on how you can save money and spend money from the same place at the same time from the same account.

What types of insurance includes Infinite Banking?
It is a restructured whole life dividend paying insurance policy from a mutual company owned by the policyholders.

Infinite Banking is a Whole Life Dividend paying insurance policy through a Mutual Company restructured for banking

Why Choose GoInsurancePAL

We help you learn about how infinite banking can work for you

Infinite banking with GoInsurancePAL:


  • Qualified support when you need it
  • Easy to apply
  • Selection of options to meet your needs
  • We’ll find the best available plan for your infinite banking needs
  • Lower price
  • “1-on1-approach” to helping policy holders understand each plan
  • Nurturing and caring infinite banking experts
  • We make learning about infinite banking simple to understand, act and benefit from
  • More than just insurance – we care about people

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Interested in Being Your Own Banker?

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This program works!

I contacted GoInsurancePAL as my cash and annuities were not growing at all where I previously had my money. GoInsurancePAL qualified me to start an infinite banking account, and without spending any of my cash value, I was able to take a tax- free policy loan and pay off both of my automobile loans, all of my credit card debt, and I was able to take a policy loan to pay some back taxes without spending any of my own money in my cash value or in my personal public bank accounts. This program works, and I recommend you contact GoInsurancePAL to help you like it did my family and me.

Thomas C. San Antonio, TX

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Speak with an Insurance Expert

Call: 877-GOINS99



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